Everything posted by Clover13
Please add a rotate pic option
Does that extension also work for 3.4.x+ or is this only something that 4.x+ accommodates and uses at?
Please add a rotate pic option
Great to hear from Lindy and that their devs are looking at it (likely for 4.x+).
Please add a rotate pic option
I agree, it's the same behavior I see in 3.4.8. They definitely should have an option to rotate pictures automatically, just as in Gallery. It's truly a pain for a site owner or user to have to inspect, download, rotate, and re-upload pictures.
Please add a rotate pic option
IPS Support said in 3.4.8 they won't add support for this. Not sure what they'll do for 4.x. I wrote a script to do rotations via AJAX calls using JPEGTran (lossless JPEG rotation) and ImageMagick (GIFs/PNGs). It works for me, but it isn't hook ready. I have it so I can run it when I need to as an admin, but I need to add the security around it so only an admin, mod or original poster of the actual picture can rotate it. My version is just a hacky basline that works, it needs enhancement/revision still, just haven't had time to do it yet.
Please add a rotate pic option
I have a ticket open with support on this, they are investigating the problem. Will keep you guys posted. FYI I'm on 3.4.8 Weird how my account shows up as "Members", when I'm a Client :|
Please add a rotate pic option
Verified with half a dozen of my members on various devices. They get sideways pictures on photos that appear normal on their devices and even on their computer.
Please add a rotate pic option
OK so they are saying it's a setting in the phone
Please add a rotate pic option
It's working as designed to upload sideways pictures?
Please add a rotate pic option
I actually need this for 3.4.8 :| Not upgrading to 4.x until everything I run add-on wise and hook wise is available, or has some suitable alternative.
Please add a rotate pic option
I would love a hook for this
Please add a rotate pic option
This is a big problem on my site, I have to constantly fix sideways pictures for my members. Pic sharing is a big part of my site, and this is a big PITA for me as an admin
Member Map
Nice clean upgrade, no issues once I got a Bing API key. Only thing I had to manually update were the images that land under master styles directory and copy them over to my skin style images directory. Few recommendations (I haven't read through the entire thread, so please ignore any duplicate requests): 1) The number of members on that map is no longer shown (previously at the bottom left of the Member Map) 2) The popup dialog box is quite dark, dark fonts on dark background. Can customize this through the css styling and templates, but just a consideration for a global change. 3) Would be a great enhancement to have some level of member list and search on the map page to find where a given member is (without going into their profile) or to show what members are in a certain area (like a radius search). 4) Maybe have an option to show the member names in some way rather than just a number on the map and requiring a click to see who it is. At least at a certain zoom level, start to expose the member names rather than just a number. I can see the grouping at a higher elevation but once zoomed in there is a UX value to having them exposed and making things more efficient to see the respective member names. All in all, great work as usual stoo! Looking forward to the final release! :smile:
Trader Feedback System
Cool, thanks stoo!
Trader Feedback System
Stoo, that's exactly what it was. The problem was the ad didn't have a type selected and it affected the list view, although not the item view. That's a bug in the Classifieds app in that it's a required field but still lets you not select one, I'll let the app developer know. Just for the sake of understanding the troubleshooting side...what code did you look at that you identified the "type" as a potential problem? Are you looking at the source PHP files on the server or something through the ACP?
Trader Feedback System
Oddly the error is when listing the classified ads in given category (part of the Classifieds app, not the Trader Feedback app), not when going into an item and seeing the Trader Feedback for a given user that posted an item. I don't believe I've done any customizations on the List Classifieds Ads section, but I will double check to see if that is it.
Trader Feedback System
I'm also getting the following in Classifieds after this install, not sure if it's related at all or due to something else at this point. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xyz/www/www/ips/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_7/skin_classifieds.php on line 388 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xyz/www/www/ips/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_7/skin_classifieds.php on line 406