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Posts posted by electricferret

  1. Forum Version: 4.7.16

    PHP Version: 8.1.27

    Problem Statement: Attempting to use pages->blocks->create new block where Block Type is custom Manual PHP results in binary response on Save.

    When attempting to save a custom block of this type, it results in what appears to be a binary response.  It does not matter what is placed in the Content box, the binary response result is always the same.

    Screenshot example of usage:

    Could contain: Page, Text, File

    Could contain: Page, Text

    Could contain: Page, Text, File

    Could contain: Page, Text, Letter

  2. 4 hours ago, TAMAN said:


    Sorry only feeds from pages, gallery, downloads app are possible 

    Oh, I see.  I did not have the "Pages App" as I am self hosted.  I had to figure out what that was.  It is purchased separately.

    All good, thanks!

  3. Hi there.  I purchased this and have a question.

    Among the screenshots you posted on the Slider purchase page, it shows that you have set up various feeds.

    One reads "Feed from pages - this feed shows 3 sliders from Articles database".

    I would like to show a slider of based off a database query.  Say, topics in a particular forum. 

    How do you set such a feed up and give it to the slider, like in your screenshot?


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