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Entry Comments posted by IPCommerceFan

  1. I know I'm reaching for the stars here, but I'd like to see the ability to sell custom software via Commerce and serve it via Downloads.

    We do this already, but its clunky. 

    Currently, our setup is something like:

    1. We create packages in Commerce and assign some custom fields to each
    2. When a customer wants to buy a package, they fill out the custom fields and we write the software to their specifications
    3. We then upload the custom software to a Download page, and change the owner to the customers account. 
    4. Using a custom plugin, we disable the ability to edit or delete the download (things the owner of a file can normally do), and make it so each customer can only see their own files when they visit the Download page.

    This essentially gives us a secure download portal for all of our customers, but it'd be great if such functionality were streamlined and given the "IPS" treatment for V5!

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