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Posts posted by Niji

  1. Thanks a bunch. So far so good, commenting it out let me get through it. I'm hiccuping on the calendar section, but it seems to be a totally different issue from the guy in the topic you had linked earlier.

    This is the error here: ksort(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given

    I'm definitely a bit confused though. I'm getting "Not set" for the file version


    Could contain: Page, Text, File, WebpageCould contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

  2. It's the exact same spot, Gallery 60000, status 1. Exactly like in the previous screenshot. It seems to be getting angry at the exact same spot in the 60000 file as well. Right where the code is swapped out at Line 236. There's no other trim function I'm seeing in that file. With the swap the trim function sits on Line 245.


    				$imageUpdate['image_metadata']	= json_encode( array_map( 'trim', $tmpMeta ) );



    I was wondering if there's some method to just skip all of it, to be honest. I only really need the forum itself and maybe the downloads section to be updated, though I can always recover the files from the downloads section and re-upload the important ones. Losing the rest of the stuff like the gallery and blog wouldn't hurt the site at all.

    Is it possible to just skip out on those sections entirely?

  3. Hi, I'm upgrading my forum from an old IPB3 setup and I'm getting the error: array_map(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, bool given

    There's no other explanation provided or error number or anything. It seems to have occurred while updating the gallery. Everything seemed to be going just fine though and it looks like the updater seems to work otherwise. I'm on a self-hosted license, but all my client area information is updated if that helps.

    If you guys have any advice or anything it'd be much appreciated.

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

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