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Posts posted by Bluesplinter

  1. The only similar rules we have here is that we ask members not to promote competing web hosting services. You can naturally link to other sites and resources. :)

    I assume you are talking about http://webhostingtalk.com

    Yep. And thanks for clarifying the linkage rules. :)


  2. I wish I could sell mine for $85!

    Well, there were a few other folks asking for licenses after I sold all of mine. WHT has an active marketplace for such things. I don't know the rules about linking to other forums, but just Google WHT and it's the first result.


  3. There is no real value in an old style vb licence as too many are selling them

    Depends on your definition of "value". I just sold mine for $85 each, which makes the move to IP.B only $65 per forum. That's a pretty good value to me. If IPS offers a volume discount come Nov. 2nd, then it'll be even better. But I'd pay twice as much for an IP.B license before I'd give one more cent to Internet Brands (but don't tell the IPS folks that!) ;)


  4. We did launch a sale

    And I'm sure that's very helpful for those who want everything. This is actually why many of us are leaving vB, because IB is trying to manipulate everyone onto their Suite, when all we want is a forum.

    I'm interested in IP.Board and IP.Content, so nothing in your sale is, for folks like us, on sale. :)

    Take care,

  5. I was waiting for the competitive upgrade pricing details but I see it's not listed anymore in the main post. Was the option ruled out or is there any information listed anywhere? This will be the deciding factor for me, and hopefully there is something still in the works...

    Same here. I was previously an IPS customer back in '04 (don't remember why I went to vB), but now that I've started looking into switching back, I remember how nice this community is... it's good to see that the folks I remember, like Matt, are still here and still actively posting and responding to customers, both existing and potential. However, I got suckered into renewing two vB licenses just a month or so ago, so a competitive upgrade price break would really help.

    I hope that's still being discussed, and wasn't deleted from the initial post because IPS decided against it :(

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