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    Maryland USA
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    Brewing Beer, Wine, Genealogy Research, Computer Security

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  1. Thanks for your responses, I need to consider what to do next.
  2. How do I do that? When I attempted to do this in admin cp it didn't seem to recognize the account of quest because it isn't associated with a user id. At least that was my belief. I tried to do merge account data while in the user account profile but it requires a user account, (ID based account). It doesnt seem to like to take the name guest.
  3. Thanks for your response the forums_posts table edit provided me the described outcome I wrote to. I am looking at forums_topics as that seems to be the location used to present the forums themselves and the topic lists. So I tested the forums_topics table and it is there right space to make the edits for the forum display. forums_posts for the individual assignment of the post to the user. Is there any way to do this as a batch or not?
  4. Had a member account inadvertently deleted. All the blogs were lost, all the posts in the forum area remain and are orphaned to a guest member. I have found within the PHPAdmin the topic locations and can modify that location to assign the post to the newly created/reinstated account. However in the forum view the topic is still identified as orphaned until you click on the specific topic itself and are viewing the content. Once the edit is done the topic itself is linked to the new account as well. How can I do this in an easy way, or quickly? How can I get the forum view to correctly presented the topic as posted by the new user account?
  5. The Invision Community software has enabled us to Envision, and then deliver, a secure collaboration space with abundant features and elegance. Our users love the interface. We have created a seemless integration of 4x databases and over 4000 dynamically presented pages into an intuitive and user friendly site. Ronald Nielson https://www.goancestry.com
  6. did this ever get fixed? I seem to have the same outcome. Seems random selects a time stamp as the initial image, then just presents the next 4x images ( I am set for 5x images) from that timestamp either ascending or descending. Nothing really random from a user perspective.
  7. The rotate through pictures hook or block would be awesome
  8. There are some fixes coming in 4.0.12 and then more feature improvements in the early September timeframe. These may make things much better for you to integrate Pages. I was a heavy user of IP.Content and have struggled so far with Pages, but I want to hold out some optimism for the upcoming releases and then determine what path is best for me to work with. I think Pages will get there, and I am just hoping I don't have to customize everything to get the functionality I am hoping for.
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