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Posts posted by p4guru

  1. Thanks for the list. Just thought I'd add

    1. my.cnf for debian/ubuntu most likely found at /etc/mysql/my.cnf instead of /etc/my.cnf which is more common on centOS/RHEL systems
    2. nginx.conf you can use command below to find path to nginx.conf as well as nginx compile options

    nginx -V[/CODE]

    3. apache fullstatus you can isolate just the stats without all the user info via

    [CODE]apachectl fullstatus | egrep '(Server Version|Server Built|Current Time|Restart Time|Parent Server Generation|Server Uptime|Total accesses|CPU Usage|requests/sec -|requests currently being processed)'

    Time saver wise, i prefer using http://mysqlmymon.com/ you linked to, it's very quick in providing nearly all the info above as well some more useful options i.e. list a databases' table structure, indexes and outputting to screen or txt file for comparing database structure/indexes or finding if you have missing indexes in your database tables. I set it up as a cron job to email me stats at a set interval i.e. hourly or daily so i can monitor my stats :smile: I also have Cacti installed but rarely login to view those stats since i started using mysqlmymon.com script. Cacti is good for trend analysis over a long period though.

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