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Posts posted by Darkniciad

  1. That's where the remaining path problem was.  Everything is working properly now.  It's been forever since I messed with anything in the suite because my hosting service didn't have the option for a supported version of PHP until recently.  I've forgotten where everything is, and most of it moved in 4.x anyway.

    I'm at least back to zero now, with temporary static pages serving as placeholders for the links I have listed on other sites, while I go through the grueling process of recoding all my pages and blocks, which used a lot of 3.x functions/templates that are almost certainly defunct.

  2. I just upgraded to the latest from 3.x, and I cannot find the information about the index.php file necessary to run Pages content from the root folder when the forum isn't the root folder.  The 3.x version doesn't work ( I tried on a hail mary after failing to find updated information )

    I'm attempting to get the bare bones of my website back up while I rework all my content to be compatible with the new version of Invision, and this is the final stumbling block to that endeavor.  

  3. I just upgraded from 3.x to the latest version, and I simply don't have the time to do the research necessary to update my page blocks.  What I need is someone to go through a few example blocks, and provide me with the new 4.x functions that perform the same task.  It's mainly reading/writing the database and some member/admin validation functions, taking advantage of the security functions attached to them rather than coding all of that myself.  ( I didn't have a whole lot of time when I was first coding, and I'm a self-taught amateur )

    Price negotiable.  Payment via PayPal is something I could do immediately.  Other methods would require engaging the services, so I prefer to use what I already have, but it's not out of the question to use a different payment method.

    There are a few of my backend functions that are bare bones, unintuitive "that'll do" type things that I would love to upgrade to point and click, so a good working relationship could lead to more commissions.  An example would be sorting lists by clicking up/down arrows instead of manually resorting a comma separated list.

  4. Same here.  Just upgraded to latest from 3.x.  Was throwing errors on the default theme, so I created a new one, and that throws the same errors.  Cleared the cache to no change.  Sign in doesn't work on the public side.  Threads throw a captcha outdated error.  So do individual file listings under downloads.  Most things on my admin panel work ( the only error I've seen is unable to fetch featured guides on the support page ) but the public side is unusable.

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