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Posts posted by Zenithlt

  1. Sorry, I spoke too soon. I forgot that the values for positive and negative aren't stored in the member row, only the aggregate score. It would be extremely inefficient to calculate this in the hook in every post.

    That's a good idea. I'll implement it next release.

    PMed it to you.

    So what about my request?

  2. You enter in a number only, and you still get an error?

    To get the feedback to show up like that I could modify the hook. You'd need to make a few edits too. Let me know if you want me to do that.

    With the topic requirement. answer is yes it works with just topic number. but i donkt know how to make it work with full link.;/
  3. Hi. i got a problem. When I turn on require deal topic I write it down, but i still get an error thays says the address is incorrect... http://pvpers.lt

    and also how to make to display feedback like this: (id like to show how positive (+) and negative (-) feeds :)


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