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Posts posted by Alfie

  1. I don't think that is the solution ;)

    We have not offered incoming emails on community hosting but we can look into the possibility.

    Thanks for looking into this. :thumbsup:

    Just offering an alternative. An email address offered by IPS would be the best solution, but in the mean time or if that turns out to not be feasible, then gmail is an extremely good resource to use. :)

    And thanks for the tip. I've never used Gmail but I've heard it's good, so I'll see what it's like...
  2. Hey there,

    Is there any chance that those of us with Community Hosting plans can have perhaps at least 1 email address? At the moment I'm having to use a @hotmail.co.uk address to send out emails and often they just don't arrive at peoples inboxes and often they are flagged as unsafe. Perhaps with the $9.99 a month package we can have at least 1 email which is configurable in the CPanel? And then perhaps as you purchase a larger community hosting package you get more email addresses?

    I'm really happy with the community hosting package I have at the moment, but I think it'd be even better if you offered email addresses for us to use for our domains.


  3. You have gone too far... =\

    I must say that in most places you will see Israel listed.

    I don't know why IP didn't, and I really don't care because anyway I translate my board, and of course will add it, cause I live there. :)

    vBulletin doesn't either. It's not like IPB deliberatly missed out Israel on purpose. :S
    And yeh I suggest the OP does what your doing and translate the board to include Israel if it means that much...

  4. Israel is middle east

    I'm aware of that fact. <_<
    I'm just saying they listed South Africa instead of Israel. It would have been difficult to list every country that uses the +2 GMT timezone because users would be swamped with information to select from. Most people know what timezone they live in anyway.

    Why is this such a big issue? I don't understand! :blink:

  5. I've got a VPS for around $10.00 per month. Runs my board great.

    Did you get a free licence with free updates though? Yes, your hosting may have more storage and bandwidth etc, but for people who cannot afford to fork out how ever many dollars it is for a licence, I think it does prove to be a good deal. Not only that but you also don't have to worry about paying renewal fees. At the end of the day it comes down to personal preference.

    For those who are more tech-savey the VPS and other hosting deals that other sites do are a good deal. But for people like me that don't have a clue about how to host a website let alone install the forum software these deals are a real help.
  6. As someone who has just purchased a Hosted Community I am pleased with the support that I have recieved.

    I think that the package is a very good deal for people who cannot afford to purchase a licence outright. I am a student so being able to have hosting and a forum all for $9.99 a month is a fantastic deal in my eyes.

    Yes, the 10 user limit may be small, but realistically most new forums won't start to get 10 users online at the same time for quite a while, and when they do they should earn some income from ads/donations to increase the hosting package. As for the maximum number of posts this can be combated by pruning and deleting posts if neccessary.

    All in all I think that the community hosting packages are a great deal, and my forum loads much faster than others that I have seen. Not to mention I get hosting support from IPB who are experts at optimization of speeds and stuff for their own software!

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