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Posts posted by militarytexan

  1. Having multiple PHP versions can make things a bit trickier for those who have things they've forgotten.

    I am taking a shot in the dark here, but usually those applications such as Plesk and cPanel/WHM essentially restrict certain packages from being updated using the package manager (YUM or DNF depending on your setup since you are using CentOS), but they all provide a way to update key packages and if need be do force-reinstalls of said packages. If a newer version if cURL PHP Extension is not available, it could be as simple as the Repository that Plesk configures has not updated yet.

  2. 20 minutes ago, SMen said:

    Thanks.  Curl is the biggest one now and I am waiting to have a moment to open a ticket with Plesk on it.  Plesk actually caused the second server reload, so have been hesitant to go back to them.  The site doesn't seem to be suffering from the cURL issue... only that I don't like having an error listed on the support page.

    One thing to keep in mind is that while you appear to have functionality at this time, it is not recommended to use outdate versions of PHP Extensions, especially when you are on the Latest Stable Version of the 8.0.x branch

    Just to try and figure out the versions we are dealing with here, what is the output that you get in the shell if you use the command 

    php -i | grep -i curl

    Which one once of my servers outputs the following:

    sysadmin@mail:~$ php -i | grep -i curl
    cURL support => enabled
    cURL Information => 7.68.0
    curl.cainfo => no value => no value

    Just my 2 cents here.

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