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  1. beats23 started following Heosforo
  2. Gazon started following Heosforo
  3. LukeVForester started following Heosforo
  4. Fierce God started following Heosforo
  5. lavicheats started following Heosforo
  6. LochlanMeinhart started following Heosforo
  7. Heosforo replied to Heosforo's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hello @ntrivilino@alice.it Sorry the delay 😅 Please would you mind to send me your site URL? (privately if you want) so I can take a look 👍
  8. Hello. Please go to PAGE MANAGEMENT -> Templates -> Database Tickets Records -> Entry Replace all that code with this new one: <div class='ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone ipsDataItem'> <div class='ipsGrid_span1 ipsType_light ipsType_center ipsPad ipsResponsive_hidePhone'>#{$record->primary_id_field}</div> <div class='ipsGrid_span1 ipsPad'>{$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('db_field_priority')|raw}</div> <div class='ipsGrid_span4 ipsPad ipsType_left'> <div class='ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_tiny'> {template="userPhoto" app="core" group="global" params="$record->author(), 'tiny'"} <div> <div class='ipsType_large' data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-size='1 lines' data-ipsTruncate-type='remove'><a href="{$record->url()}" data-ipstooltip="" title="{$record->_title}">{wordbreak="$record->_title"}</a></div> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_medium ipsType_blendLinks'> {{if $record->canEditTitle()}}{{if $record->unread()}}<i data-ipstooltip="" title='{lang="calperm_perm__reply"}' class="fa fa-commenting-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{endif}}{{endif}} {expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $record->author()->member_group_id )->formatName( $record->author()->name )" raw="true"} </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class='ipsGrid_span2 ipsPad ipsType_light ipsType_left ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> <a data-ipstooltip="" title='{$record->container()->_title}' href="{$record->container()->url()}">{$record->container()->_title}</a></div> <div class='ipsGrid_span2 ipsPad ipsType_light ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> {{if $record->locked()}}<span class='ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_warning' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="locked"}'><i class='fa fa-lock'></i></span> {{endif}} {{if $record->isFutureDate() || $record->mapped('pinned') || $record->mapped('featured') || $record->hidden() === -1 || $record->hidden() === 1 || $record->hidden() === -2}} {{if $record->isFutureDate()}} <span><span class=" ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{$record->futureDateBlurb()}'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i></span></span> {{elseif $record->hidden() === -1}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{$record->hiddenBlurb()}'><i class='fa fa-eye-slash'></i></span></span> {{elseif $record->hidden() === -2}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{$record->deletedBlurb()}'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i></span></span> {{elseif $record->hidden() === 1}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="pending_approval"}'><i class='fa fa-warning'></i></span></span> {{endif}} {{if $record->mapped('pinned')}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_positive" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="pinned"}'><i class='fa fa-thumb-tack'></i></span></span> {{endif}} {{if $record->mapped('featured')}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_intermediary" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="featured"}'><i class='fa fa-star'></i></span></span> {{endif}} {{endif}} <span class=' ipsBadge ipsBadge_large ipsType_success'>{$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('db_field_status', 'processed')}</span> </div> <div class='ipsGrid_span2 ipsPad ipsType_light'> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_medium ipsType_light'>{datetime="$record->mapped('date')"}</p> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsResponsive_hideDesktop ipsPos_right ipsType_small ipsType_light'>{datetime="$record->mapped('date')"}</p> </div> </div> 3. You need to edit the ticket to change his status.
  9. Damn, I had forgotten about this topic. If you still need help, please send me an MP and I will gladly do it for you 👍
  10. Heosforo replied to Heosforo's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hello @kherezae Sorry the delay. Would you mind to give me admincp access (privately) so I can fix this for you? Let me know 👍
  11. tPx started following Heosforo
  12. Heosforo replied to Heosforo's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hello @Unlucky Please could you show me a live example to take a look? Thanks for reporting 👍
  13. Subdreamer started following Heosforo
  14. @MJL Tickets is for your community, has no relation with IPS support. So everything that happens will stay on your website. I think that's what you mean, otherwise please correct me
  15. @MJL Once you have installed Go to: Page Management -> Pages -> Add Page (Page Builder or Manual HTML). Fill the data and once is finish you would be able to add the database when you open te page. If you still can't solve I can do this for you, just send me an admincp access, privately.
  16. Hello @MJL What kind of error does it throw? Just in case, this is not a plugin, is a Pages database and must be installed trought: Page Management -> Databases -> Create new -> Upload database. Let me know if you need help 👍
  17. Heosforo replied to Heosforo's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Great 👍
  18. Heosforo replied to Heosforo's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hello @Realife coil Thanks Please go to: Theme settings -> Mind (tab) -> Add CSS Add this: .cke_wysiwyg_div { min-height: 200px !important; } Let me know if that works.
  19. Heosforo replied to Heosforo's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Theme updated
  20. Heosforo replied to Heosforo's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Yes, when you like.
  21. Heosforo replied to Heosforo's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Please check if you have this option enabled: Theme settings -> Mind (tab) I can take a look if you want, let me know Theme updated. - Added URL to buttons (welcome message) - Option to add CSS, see "MInd tab"
  22. Heosforo replied to Heosforo's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Oh I see. There's no option to do that, give me a moment 👍
  23. Heosforo replied to Heosforo's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hello @Unlucky 1. To get people faces see this doc 2. You can set buttons link through Theme settings -> Mind header (tab) This seems to be happening since the last IPS update, I'm investigating its cause. I have not made any brutal changes, so I don't know where this bug comes from As soon as I have news, I will keep you updated 👍