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Posts posted by AzzidReign

  1. I'm not expecting any sort of response from them. From the looks of it, they are just trying to squeeze as much money as they can out of the current community and license holders. Unless 4.0 is absolutely UBER (lol yes I said uber) to the point where I wouldn't mind paying for it, then I'll be moving back to IPB.

  2. I'm still over at vB.com, but they're loosing a lot of business due to their recent failure to gain community feedback. Internet Brands is crashing vBulletin, it seems so... but that's not a discussion for here :P

    lol and how many of us called THAT coming once we heard the news IB bought out jelsoft...

    I'm trying to get some answers through the support tickets...but they are pretty much ignoring me now.

    I think I'll be moving over to IPB due to the fact that I'm seeing the admins mingle with their members and seem to know some of them; rather than lynching users for asking questions.
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