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onlyME last won the day on November 13 2021

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    Việt Nam

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  1. That's all. Take a look at my screen recorder recording.mkv
  2. I tried to add: Customer's email address exactly email@gmail.com
  3. Error TypeError: IPS\nexus\Fraud\Rule::get__title(): Return value must be of type string, null returned (0) #0 /home/ipsappzonecom/ipsappzone.com/public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(360): IPS\nexus\Fraud\Rule->get__title() #1 /home/ipsappzonecom/ipsappzone.com/public_html/system/Node/Model.php(758): IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecord->__get() #2 /home/ipsappzonecom/ipsappzone.com/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php(493): IPS\Node\Model->titleForLog() #3 /home/ipsappzonecom/ipsappzone.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(128): IPS\Node\Controller->form() #4 /home/ipsappzonecom/ipsappzone.com/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php(117): IPS\Dispatcher\Controller->execute() #5 /home/ipsappzonecom/ipsappzone.com/public_html/applications/nexus/modules/admin/payments/fraud.php(61): IPS\Node\Controller->execute() #6 /home/ipsappzonecom/ipsappzone.com/public_html/applications/nexus/modules/admin/payments/paymentsettings.php(86): IPS\nexus\modules\admin\payments\fraud->execute() #7 /home/ipsappzonecom/ipsappzone.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(128): IPS\nexus\modules\admin\payments\paymentsettings->__call() #8 /home/ipsappzonecom/ipsappzone.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(169): IPS\Dispatcher\Controller->execute() #9 /home/ipsappzonecom/ipsappzone.com/public_html/admin/index.php(15): IPS\Dispatcher->run() #10 {main}
  4. Switching tabs does not display the correct tab content. recording.mkv
  5. I created an UIItem extension for 'IPS\forums\Topic' class to add a data attribute public function dataAttributes( BaseItem $item ): string { return "data-test"; } In the Classic layout, you might see something like this in the template: <li data-ips-hook="topicRow".... data-test> But when using Snippet layout for , there is no "data-test"
  6. UIItem dataAttributes not work on topic Snippet layout, it works fine on Classic.
  7. In RebuildSearchIndex.php: if ( IPS::classUsesTrait( $item, 'IPS\Content\FuturePublishing' ) AND !$item->isFutureDate() ) { $index = FALSE; } skips indexing items that are not isFutureDate. It seems checking the wrong condition.
  8. I tried adding a template hook to 'topicRow'. I noticed it's inside the loop $rows as $row, and I need to use $row, but it doesn’t work like in v4. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a limitation of v5?
  9. I received your message! I’m waiting for your response to look into this. If it's a Pro Stats issue, I'll sort it out as quickly as I can.
  10. onlyME


    Thank you so much for being a client! The Invision Community Marketplace is closing on October 30, 2023, so I am moving all of my files over to my site ipsappzone.com How to transfer Marketplace files from IPS to me -- read this link Need help? PM me or get support on ipsappzone.com Want to buy? Browse my updated files hosted on ipsappzone.com Bookmark https://ipsappzone.com and the new Marketplace Directory https://invisioneer.org
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