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Posts posted by mld11

  1. It makes sense that when a member get an error message you may want to link him to the right place.

    I can make HTML work in error messages, edit the error in the language file.

    Some other suggestions, don't know if a couple of these were mentioned yet:

    1. Better reputation system - Allow comments when giving a member a reputation, allow a member to choose how many points they can vote a post up or down with a max limit configurable from the ACP.

    2. I don't know if this is already included in some forum, but a Moderation Control Panel for moderators would be nice, saves from giving access to the ACP but allows for basic actions that a moderator can perform.

    3. As mentioned in another thread a feature similar to VB which allows for the soft deletion of posts and threads, allowing them to be restored (Undeleted) at a later time. No more do we fear of allowing delete privileges since content can be restored if it is deleted. Also keeping a post edit history, allowing earlier versions of posts to be reviewed and restored if needed, the unapprove function is simply not sufficient enough.

    1. Good idea.
    2. All a moderator really does it moderate forums, the mod tools at the top of every page, and member editing ability. I never saw any reason they would ever need ACP access.
    3. There's a trash can... simply restrict all the admins from viewing it, even yourself (may require some mysql queries).
  2. Not sure what an owner could do, but what about a user array for uploaded attachments.

    I guess regular permissions are still the default, but when downloading the attachment via URL (or bbcode, w/e), the checks could see if the user's id belongs in the array, and then allow them to download.

    And the owner of the attachment (uploader) and/or administrators (or super mods) have the permissions to share the file with others.


  3. I know many sites import news feeds from various news sites (CNN, Gaming Websites, etc.), and it can be very annoying when the bot or account used to add the topic fills up all of the Recently Added Topics.

    Could there be an option similar to the IP.Shoutbox, where we can add the form IDs of what is or isn't allowed (based on a combobox dropdown, of Whitelist or Blacklist).


  4. A sub-section in Topics, Posts and Polls where an administrator can set a value that determines if the post has X many words, and another area where you can add keywords to search for, if they X many words is greater than how many the user submitted.

    So if I put 5 words, and "thank", "great" (loose terms), and someone makes a reply under 5 words, containing at least one of the keywords, it's automatically deleted, and given rep to the first post.

  5. I know how to decode Zend encoded files. I'm not sure if anyone else has the tool used to do it, as it's not findable by simple search engine searching, but encoding files isn't always the option.

    In my opinion, if I spent money of virtual goods that I later did not want, I expect to NOT get a refund. It's like trying to get a refund for a game you don't like... that's what rentals are for.

  6. I was discussing forum software with my friend, as he is starting a forum and I recommended IPB to him (of course). Later on (after having the board setup and working) he found out that vBulletin boards are not permitted on his host.

    So my question to you is, do you allow the end user to run a website using vBulletin software on your hosting packages?

    I thought it was an interesting rule, and I don't think anyone has ever stopped to ask this before. I understand everyone has their differences / opinions towards the difference forum software companies out there, but I would like to know this.

  7. just looked at this and you seem right, looking at the queries it seems to run this query again and again:

    SELECT * FROM ibf_skin_cache WHERE cache_set_id=1 AND cache_value_1='skin_1'

    looks like some of the code needs to be refactored as it seems to be caught in a loop somewhere. 75 queries is alot on any server even if they are cached. It should probably be looked into.

    Thanks for confirming this, makes me feel better knowing that a Community Dev has "confirmed" the issue. :)

    Thanks for reporting it. :)
  8. I'm speeding up my server, and was cross referencing executed queries per unique page @ total users to the server load, and found that in most instances (Index, Forum View, Topic View, Downloads (Index, Category, File) View, Members) the executed query count has a highest value of 20 (at least on my installation).

    Now, I understand that the # changes for each forum/topic, etc. but 95% of the time, nothing goes above 20 queries, except private conversations viewing goes above a whopping 70.

    Is there any way that it can be loaded with less queries?

  9. Unfortunately, my Dad uses my desktop, therefore I have to use the 1024 x 768 resolution. People can't just make their screen smaller to suit the minority. Graphics / Design desktops / workstations are the ones with resolutions like yours. Most of us don't use such large resolutions.

  10. Could there be an feature in the Security Center of IP.Board that allows an administrator to hide the ACP Link from PHP Errors?

    It's kind of redundant when you get one and almost all the time it shows the acp directory. What's the point in renaming it if all someone has to do is stick around and wait for an error.

  11. Even better still:

    As many people use different skins as their main ones, IPS could introduce an optional (default: disabled) hook that will add the scrolling to the nav bar (if the skin the user is using uses the same class/div id as IPS. This way, all skins would be affected, not just the default IPS skin.

    There are quite a few spots in the ACP that would be nice to have this feature, System Settings and ACP Restrictions are the obvious ones.

  12. My site is fairly large, and runs the following apps (that are visible in header):

    IP.Downloads Manager

    I use a 1024 x 768 display (almost enough), and it bumps to a new line, and doesn't format a skin properly.

  13. As shown on many high traffic sites nowadays, the nav bar (header) extends onto the second line, and makes everything look like crap.

    I don't mean make a crappy looking scroll bar, but something cool that only appears if the header expands past someones screen resolution. If you use 800x600 screen resolution, you know what I mean.

    That, and the ACP Restrictions tab. It's even worse, because of the even further limited room.

    Just thought it would be a good idea. CrC...

  14. If it's removed, check the Moderator logs in ACP. Then just Move it back to the forum it was removed from.

    Adding extra features for that would just make more work for something that is already simple.

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