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Posts posted by ets

  1. how about an automatic updater. Like cPanel.

    The software updates itself once a day and installs anything in the update source, like cvs update or something along the lines. So instead of me upgrading every build, it can do it automatically in the background, and save users pain.

  2. i try import skin that i exported from 2.3 into 3.0. I get:

    Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML() [domdocument.loadxml]: Empty string supplied as input in /usr/home/etstreet/public_html/board/ips_kernel/classXML.php on line 353

    and thats it. Didnt import. I fill out the correct boxes, all of them, half of em, none of em...same error. Wont let me upload skin xml. Any one else have a problem importing 2.3 skin?

  3. Currently i have forums/ with IPB 2.3.6. I want to load up board/ with 3.0 but using same database and info inside it as the 2.3.6. Then i will only tell admins/moderators about board/ and do some testing on it before we release it to the public.

    Just wanting to know if i can copy -r forums/* to board/ and then download the ipb 3.0 from client area, then upload it, then run admin/upgrade/index.php <-- then select the 2.3.6 option to upgrade. <-- If i do this, will it write over the 2.3.6 stuff and stuff up the production site? will it convert any 2.3.6 stuff to 3.0 stuff and then stuff up the tables/templates/custom skins (no custom edited ipb code)? Or will both run successfully no problems?

    (i think i may have posted this in wrong section before?)

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