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Posts posted by blackfalcon

  1. When you edit a post it generates the last edited message. It would be usefull if administrators and moderators could click on this message and be able to compare the different versions of the post as it was edited, this would prevent a user from posting an offencive post and then editing it before a moderator could review the post thus leaving the staff with no convicting evidence. This also prevents members from falsly accusing members of posting offencive content and claiming that they edited out the content just before.

  2. Would be really nice if there was a way to incorporate a chatroom into v3. I'm also interested in offering my members a way to establish a live IM session (outside of the chatroom), instead of always having to PM each other. For instance, they would click "IM" on their profile, and it would wait up to 3 min for the other party to accept.

    Even if these two features were considered add-ons, I would definitely pay for them.

    Please consider it...

  3. Here is my suggestion. If there could be a setting that we can enable so that after a random number of posts (the admin determins the frequency), the next post you need to enter an image varification, and you need to enter it to make a post or send a PM. A bot, cant do this, so once a bot makes like 20 posts, it will need to enter a varification. Or it could be a question. Kind of like what guests need to do inorder to post or search on some boards.

  4. I think allowing forum moderators to be able to remove access from any forum that they are moderators of, so if a member is spaming on a particular forum, then they can be baned from that forum only.

  5. A more customizable moderator permission system.
    A better forum permission system.
    A better moderating team system. One that lets you put members into groups, instead of all people with any amount of admin access showing up as admins and anyone who is a moderator showing up as a mod.

    A MODERATOR CP. For approving posts, reading reported posts and managing infractions.
    And a better warn system. One that lets mods only give a warning, not an infraction, set a warn amount, so minor advertising and insulting members are not on the same level, and such.

  6. We also need a more flexible warn system.
    Features to add.
    There are violations set by the admins, which come with a specific warn value. The admin can set how long till the a warn expires, if there are more sever warn for multiple violations, and if moderators can decide to reduce, or increase the infraction point amount, or just have it be a warning, which still sends the PM and logs it, but does not raise infraction level.
    Admins can set what happens after so many infractions, and can set auto bans.
    I mean honestly, moderators only being able to raise or reduce the warn by 1 point, and need to change it does not make since.

    Also, mods should not be able to lower members infraction level, so much as admins can 'overturn' an infraction.

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