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Posts posted by jagowar

  1. That would work as well but part of the reason people are interested in phone apps is Ive never seen a mobile website even come close to being as smooth and useful as a real application. Of course part of the problem is the mobile site here is not very good for those of us on more advanced phones (and it also has the problem of not being custom tailored to each phones look and feel.... for instance the pre and iphone have similar but different ways to navigate applications and their look and feel parts are different as well)

  2. With the other approach of a generic IPB app it may be possible to network the entire IPB community together. (every site that uses IP.Board)

    The end user would download this from their respective app store and enter the url for the forum they wish to use it on for PMs, Blogs, etc.

    With having them use an Open ID, they could browse away from one site and visit another IPS powered site with ease and interact with them.

    You could even call it IP.Connect or something corny like that.

    Actually that might be the best way to do it.... release a generic app for each store and the user would key in their forum url and it would pull all the "customizations" for each phone (color, graphics, icon, etc). That way it could be a simple app process for ipb and end users could get the customizations we want/need.
  3. I would assume but it is an open system.... there is a very large homebrew community for the pre which does not require their app store at all (infact you cant even submit apps for the pre yet). but I would assume you would want to have it in the app store eventually for simplicity sake. you would still have the same issue choosing to have each site customize the app or create a ipb wide version. I would personally suggest you let each site run their own (if they choose). that way we can put our logo for the icon and tailor it to our color schemes.

    http://forums.precen.../homebrew-apps/ (for more information)

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