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    North Idaho, USA
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    spending time with my daughters, runing my website, Photoshop, movies

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  1. yes, they have opened the ports
  2. no, Teamspeak is like Skype or Ventrilo....instant voice chat...I was offering the use of my Teamspeak server so someone that knows what they are doing can get in and help me step by step rather than typing everything out in forums
  3. Is there ANYONE that can help me with this modification? I do have a Teamspeak server that we can use for verbal communication....I am getting frustrated and upset over this as I cannot get it to work after 5 days, I have spent at least 12 hours trying to figure it out and get it to work,.....but nothing I do is working. Can anyone help me, please?!
  4. Is there ANYONE that can help me with this...I purchased this 3 days ago and installed it, but have errors. I submitted a support ticket 2 days ago that is still sitting there not being worked...any help would be greatly appreciated!
  5. is there something like this available for PC rather than Xbox?
  6. I sent my payment via Paypal, waiting for response...thank you!
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