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Posts posted by -Mary-

  1. Hi, Mary,

    Google Maps API is no longer supported, upgrading has not lost your markers, you have an issue preventing them from displaying.

    Please run the 'permission checker' tool in the asp and fix any incorrect permissions, after that on the 'cache management' page click 'recache all'

    I could not find a "permission checker tool" in the admin panel, but I did check where the other permissions were and they all seem to be set correctly. I ran the recache all and then checked the map and all of the markers were back. Then when I opened the map a second time they were all gone.

    What am I doing wrong? I would be glad to pay to get this fixed for us.

  2. Having problems with this, when trying to add my location to the map, in both firefox and IE, instead of adding, I get prompted to download the index.php file instead of it actually adding.

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