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A Walk in Faith

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Posts posted by A Walk in Faith

  1. I don't find it over complicated at all. It's simple.

    We want to be able to:

    • To be able to easily attached pictures from a url or via uploading from the computer.
    • To be able to align that picture anywhere we want it (Left, Center, Right)
    • To have the option to either wrap text or not
    • To be able to resize the picture

    As a bonus, all the uploaded pictures should be 'stored' somewhere for future use if we choose to, and any images connected via a URL should be uploaded to our system. (A local copy of it stored on our site)

    This addition they have worked into RTE seems to almost fit the bill AND it's wicked easy to use...

    /me think when 3.1 comes out I might look for someone to hire to hack this into IPB for me...

  2. Maybe a little overcomplicated?

    I would think something like this would or could be written to be less complicated but on a similar manner in the way this addition handles it, it would add sizing, alignment, text wrapping etc all in a nice neat package.

    I know that 'other' side has started something along these lines and although it didn't work 100% correctly you could see where they were headed with it.

    Their attachment manager allowed you to upload images and then reuse them as needed though out the script. You could also resize them, align them, wrap the text etc.

    Since you guys have a great Gallery maybe this is something you can work towards in the coming releases.. an all in once place for attachments and images that allows for full customizations within the post.


  3. Add a setting to set the size of uploaded images when using "Add to post"


    Different from the thumbnails in the attached images:

    While I would love the suggestion you have suggested, I would take it a step further.

    I have found this really cool way that the Rich Text Editor can be tweaked to add great image function to it.

    The main link is here, talking about it and how it's done.


    Here is a link to a working Demo:


    Here is a screen shot of how the uploader looks.

    post-141359-031943100 1271816062_thumb.p

    Now, I think if IPS adds this type of image handler to IPB it would be great!!

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