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Posts posted by davvowl

  1. hello

    i had to manually edit the ibf_feedback table and it seems the feedback totals are not updated

    what to do ? :o

    edit: its updated on the feedback page but not on the profile and forum posts miniprofile

    edit2: i did what you said in the readme but it's not helping :/

    edit3: oh ok, its in ibf_members. i think ill have to write some sql lines :P

    edit4: ok problem solved, did some mysql counting and updating :)

  2. hi there, great mod but...
    im getting an error when adding my location (and my members too)
    this happens when sending the location form

    There was a Google Maps error : The request was throttled

    please try again in a moment

    at first i thought it was a gmaps bug but it keeps happening for 3 days now
    any ideas ?

    and i have a small request:
    i'd like to allow a group (moderators) to manage custom markers without giving them acp access :rolleyes:
  3. ok thx for direction imma look into it right now.

    will it also replace the links in the feedback list ?

    wow, that php is a bit confusing, im a little rusty here.
    i havent done any serious php in some years, back when it wasnt object oriented :P

    yeah, would definitely appreciate some help here
    (understand: do it for me, pretty please :))

  4. directions please ? im new with ipb 3x hooks and stuff

    what do i need to change so your mod accepts classifieds urls ? (see my previous post)



    damn. the feedbacks arent showing in the topic view.
    i did add m.feedback_score,
    any ideas ?
  5. great mod !

    mikkee reported earlier, that by going to Members -> Notification Defaults and saving the page, it seems to fix the notification key error.

    had that problem too, and solved itself the same way (just thought i'd share

    i got a suggestion here

    im going to use this mod for my forum's classifieds.

    the links looks like this :

    so its basically the same as board topics furl's

    is there a way i can tweak your otherwise perfect mod to use this ?

    --- and you should contact the guys doing ip.classifieds and work something out together ;)
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