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Posts posted by chasz

  1. Well, you can rate members and wasn't sure if you meant in the member list. Hence why I asked for clarification.

    way too much hassle with members rating each other ! that one should be optional to remove one headache for moderators.

  2. I like how in this topic he's asking us if he heard 3.0.1 comes out in a week. :lol: I'm not really sure what you may or may not hear. ;)

    well since i will have to hack some fat off the pig, i would like to do one major edit and go enjoy a holiday ;)

    If there is plan to roll out 3.0.1 for whatever reason in a week, the i can wait.....so is there a definite plan?

    Its not as if IPB3 has had any major professional auditing for security flaws LOL

  3. Remember there is the option to create skin specific 'master' folders so you can work outside the ACP in your favourite editor. No matter how fancy a JS editor gets, it's never going to replace what you use on your desktop so we figured why even try?

    "Do or Do NOT. there is NO try" as some Jedi Master once opinioned. We admire that but how about TRY a little harder ;)

    That said, for a later version we're going to see about writing something a little better to use. At the very least I would like to get the ability to press Tab in place. The full syntax highlighter simply wasn't working out though.

    Who said anything about the syntax highlighter?

    just need the line numbers and the tab and search
  4. jesus christ whats up with the hyperboles ?? is it a GDubya-itis??

    You could walk across the streets and get hit by a bus, so why not lock yourself in your bedroom in your bubble?

    Its like idiots in the US selling guns and defending their rights to guns and still are alarmed at the death by shooting rates.

    Now a forum software is no lethal weapon, so ditch the holier than thou attitude, and unlike your little games forum, there are some serious discussion forums, that will need to hack up IPB silly little code. Who have better hackers than the script kiddies attacking games forums, by the way.

    And if they keep making idiotic decisions, we will ditch them too.

  5. well if you want big brother to control you life even more, then be the slave that yer are.

    unless i need the ip for geolocation in a membermap, they are gone with a reverse proxy, just need to disable the ip matching in acp

  6. if you are really worried about security why dont you put an .htaccess on your admin folder with your ip? rather than adding this bruden to the scripts in the first place. i mean we could go tit-for-tat all night !!! omg ! lol

    i am yet to hear a decent explanation rather than a "holier than thou" attitude !

  7. yeah so? viewing is different to posting

    in the grand scheme of things it probably wouldnt matter, if some is out to get ya they will.

    you can probably insert my IP yourself, however i dont understand this resistance !! lol

  8. there s a couple of countries who log IPs for reprisals against family members: china and north korea, even without the Patriots Act, i reckom the Americans do as well.

    Secondly i am the server admin, i "accidentally" delete all my logs !!

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