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Posts posted by Schemata

  1. I don't know anything about the hooks, I am just scared to upgrade from 2.3.6 to RC2 if Stuart is getting errors. If I have backed up those two db files tho, I should be ok?

    Also, how can I move my root folder to my /forums folder without getting errors? Do I need to update the database? Or do I just need to update cookies and drag / drop the files?

  2. I'm scared to upgrade 2.3.6 to RC2 with people reporting bugs lol

    What files do I need to Backup (and then restore if there is an error) I made a backup of the mysql db from Cpanel and one from IPB Admin panel. Is that it?

  3. Why are you guys rushing it? Sure I would like to see it, (hopefully before my license expires) but it doesn't make any difference. They will either release it early, with less fixes, or release it later with less bugs.

    Just wait patiently. Use RC1 on your boards if you have to, plus this gives you a chance to get IPB3 skinned for your forum.

  4. I thought it was going to be soon, because they have RC2 on their boards.

    Also, why is the stupid twitter button on it's own line in the Reply WYSIWYG editor? It is wasting valuable space. Move it next to the Insert Media button!

  5. I agree it would be awesome to have intergrated SEO tools. Not sure if it would be easy to make our own robots.txt file or anything, but too bad its not included. :(

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