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Posts posted by refresh

  1. 5 hours ago, Martin A. said:

    Right click on a marker on the map, if the member have permissions to delete the marker, they'll get that option. Or you can do it through "Browse Markers".

    Thanks Martin. Where would I find the permissions to enable Members to delete markers? I've looked but can't seem to find it.

  2. Just following up my query - is there any way to remove a Map Marker?

    Members managing it themselves would be preferable, but we'd be fine with Admin only access.

  3. Quick question - is it possible for a Member who has added a pin to a Map to remove it? If so, how?

    I understand a pin can be edited, but it doesn't look like it can be removed, which raises privacy concerns if a Member subsequently decides they want to opt out of the Member Map.

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