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Posts posted by TWF

  1. - google ads integration -> ability to put google ads in different places (header, sidebar block, within first post, below the first post, footer etc.) with permission system per group/forum

    I'd love to see "ad blocks" that can be switched on and off, but rather, I'd like to be able to choose my own ad code (eg, other than Google). I think this is the one feature missing from IPB that a lot of people would use out the box. Sure, sure, IPB is designed to look pretty, but a lot of forums have ads and they often don't "fit" into the board. IPB by default can handle one or two banner ads at the top and bottom, but smaller ads elsewhere...it takes some work to move things around to make them fit in. A custom designed system built in would, IMO, work a lot better.
  2. Few things.

    • URLs should automatically link like they do on the forum. If I just paste an http link, it doesn't turn into a clickable link.
    • The swear filter doesn't work. The rude word beginning with S that's another word for "crap" on here is filtered, yet on the chat, it's not. Maybe setting it as a user-selectable option in the Admin CP would be a nice idea, since some sites might want the forum to be clean, but allow some leeway in the chatroom.
    • This might be quite hard to do, but I'd like to see the possibility to make it run off an existing IRC channel in place of...whatever it's running off now. The IRC option might have to bypass some things (eg, no bbcode), but overall I think it would be quite useful, especially for sites run on restrictive shared hosting. Since, after all, anyone can make their own channel on a network like, say, Rizon.

    I realise the first two points aren't critical though, since, after all, it is a beta. :P
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