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Posts posted by henke37

  1. Personally, I went with a stack & statemachine based parser.
    And if you look at the bug reports about the existing parser, you will soon realize that it has a tendency to break one thing when they fix another. It's a bunch of duct-taped together hacks. About hacks, look at the statics, most, if not all latest vulnerabilities are due to flaws in the parser.

  2. Trust me, ipb can not do live chats. The best it can do is what it already does, letting people post messages and then read them.
    Php is not live. Php is restricted by the limitations of http. The biggest limitation is that http is request based. A http server can not send data to the client that the client didn't ask for.

  3. As our site has recently shifted it's subjects, we have had to delete some forums.
    Since a few full category forums with child boards needed to be deleted, I looked for a way to kill the child forums too.
    But I could not.

    I think that it should be possible to remove the child forums along with the main forum.
    And in addition, to be able to delete the topics in the forum along with the forum.

    Sure, I support having the option to move the contents instead of deleting it, but I want the option of deleting it too!

    Well, I better get back to work, I got like 20-30 forums to kill manually.
    If only I could use the check boxes next to each forum to mark them for simultaneous deletion...

    To summary:

    • Allow child forum(s) and their contents to be removed in addition to being moved
    • Allow topics to be deleted along with the forum
    • Allow the checkboxes to be used to multi delete forums
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