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Bobcheese 123

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Posts posted by Bobcheese 123

  1. Bare in mind what you're looking at is beta of a 1.0 version of a product ;)

    Most of your suggestions have been discussed and are definitely on the table - but of course we need to make sure the basic functionality works before we go loading it will tons of goodies :)

    Oh of course. Those ideas are for when you guys are ready to bring it out of beta.
  2. Another feature idea:

    1. Block users: There are two settings. You can block users from private messaging you during chat (should you implement my idea of creating a private chat between two members) and/or you can block them in the chat so you cannot see any messages they post. In addition to that, any users you have on your ignore users list on the boards carries over in the chat.

    2. If you get a PM during the chat in your inbox, a special message shows in the chat notifying you of the message. This notification is only visible by the user.

    3. Allow users to view logs of the chat if the admin wants. Starting from the time the chat opens to the time it closes.

    4. Speaking of closing times, admins can set opening and closing times for the chat room(s). They can do it in the AJAX admin panel in chat (a previous feature suggestion) or in the ACP. Once chat closes it displays a closing message and automatically kicks everyone from the room. If an admin is in the room at closing time, the admin will get a message asking to close the room or extend the time. Also, admins can close the chat room off preventing any new members from joining in.

    5. The user profile should record how many seconds, minutes, hours, days a user has spent in the chat room in total time.

    6. There should be an option allowing guests to view the chat and participate or not post, just view. Also, a cool feature would be to allow people to view the chat using an iframe. The chat could be posted using a similar code you would use to embed Google Calendar or Youtube videos.

    IPS, if you want to offer a chat room, IMHO, you should create one that has tons of useful and dynamic features. Your other add ons are feature rich and dynamic. IP. Chat should be no different.

  3. I have some great ideas for features. Here they are:

    1. In the online users list, the user names should be linked to the user's profile and in the color of their member group.
    2. Users with administrator access or users with chat mod access should be in a separate area on the top of the list. This way, they are publicly marked as chat moderators so everyone knows who's who.
    3. Chat mods should be able to login to the chat and remain invisible until they choose to show themselves.
    4. Mods can "mute" a user by preventing them from chatting for a certain amount of time or indefinitely.
    5. Mods can ban a user from the room once or for any amount of time.
    6. Moderator features and options can be viewed in an ajax box.
    7. Users can private message others inside the chat. This is simply a private conversation (it can be recorded of the user ops for it) between two users.
    8. On the sidebar on the forums, there should be a list of everyone currently in the chat room. (Admins can turn on or off this feature)
    9. Admins should be able to set a title for the chat room, a general message that users see upon entering it, and send messages at any time during the chat.
    10. Admins can setup multiple chat rooms. The chat rooms can have a cap on the number of users inside of it and can be password protected.

    These are all the feature suggestions I have at the moment. I'll post more when I think of some.


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