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Posts posted by T3XT3

  1. Or just another suggestion:

    In a newly added first table will be saved the last 10 posts for every user group / permission set (add a column group_ID). 10 entries for every group ID. In another table will be saved the last update of the first table for every user group. So: every time when a user loads the sidebar, first it will be checked how long ago was the first table for this group (the user belongs to) updated on basis of the second table. If it is over 5 minutes ago, the resource intensive query will be done in respect of the permissions of the user group. The 10 old entries of this group will be deleted from the first table, data of the 10 newest entries inserted. The last update time in the second table will be updated. For the next five minutes every member of this specific group will draw the data of the last 10 posts from the first table. The next intensive query will be in 5 minutes.

    Means: Every group will every 5 minutes strain the database a bit.

  2. I am aware of MySQL full text searching restrictions.

    I would just suggest 3 things that will make the search feature in this board more usable:

    1. Turn off flood control or reduce it significantly for registered customers. They are your potential friends and not enimies :)

    2. Makin boolean searching "this +that" by default, as there is no practical approach in searching "apples OR pines". And it is more intuitive as this is default in the major search engines throught the world.

    3. Display only topics, not posts by default.

    By the way, there is no such option in 'advanced' search form:

    "Search titles only" - does not search in the posts body

    "Search posts only" - is opposite to what I have suggested.

    These changes should be underway - ASAP!

    Advanced option "Do not show a post preview" should be the standard! The recent showing method is choatic and illogical...

  3. The reason that wouldn't function is that your idea does nothing to check permissions. Exactly which posts do you propose should be stored in this table?

    Of course every post. Maybe add another column with the group IDs of the groups who have permission to see it or the forum the topic/post is stored in and increase the number of the stored posts to 50. That way you could possibly check the permissions.

    But you are the creative geniuses, not I... :unsure:
  4. The interest is obviously there. What about a new table, that only held the informations about the ten newest posts and will be updated with every post. It would be very small, easy to update & access - no resources needed. Why shouldn't that function?

    There are two hooks already, but none of them is the solution for me:

    (SOS30) Latest Discussions v1.0.2 - doesn't show a new topic and is very resource intensive.
    (SOS30) Recent Topics v1.0.2 - shows up at the top of the forum.

  5. I just suggested that it would be nice if there would be a option (IPBoard Admin --> RSS Forum --> RSS Export) that the entries of the feed refer to the last posted reply of a topic - instead of the thread itself. (It is a quite logical need, when you order the feed by the topics last post...) I suggested the same for the description of the entries: There is the option "RSS Export Includes First Post of Topic". The function "RSS Export Includes LAST Post of Topic" would contribute a grest deal.

    I don't think, that would be so hard to integrate.

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