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Der Kaiser

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Posts posted by Der Kaiser

  1. Yes thats correct, I should have specified that only happened on the quick edit. I overlooked the "use full editor" button. My apologies. How hard would it be to edit this myself? is the code for it modular, or no? would it be as simple as calling a function and adding a new button, so to speak (with more to it obviously)

  2. At my forum, we kind of stick to the mantra, that looking better, makes people post better. Part of this, a huge part, is keeping titles nice and clean, free of typos, and extra letters, (not like "omggggggg look at thisssss", in fact that would get someone e-slapped). A large part of this war on stupid titles was inline editing for titles and subtitles. I see that the new forum has title editing, but the description, or subtitle is pretty much set in stone. If you want to edit it, even the edit button is useless, as the title and subtitle are not part of the editable content. The only option appears to be through the moderation dropdown for that topic.

    Unless I am missing something, which i hope i am, and someone points out to me, could someone please explain to me why this has been changed? It seemed like invision was taking steps to make moderation much easier, and overall, that's been achieved, but i feel this single oversight might undo all the saved time those improvements freed up :(

    Cheers in advance

  3. I believe the idea would be more for the intention of deleting problematic spammers pm's etc.

    I dont see any reason to delete a pm or post just because its old, unless you have an absolutely massive userbase then it wouldnt do any harm to sit there, and even then, the amount it would do is minimal to say the least.

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