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Posts posted by ll4ever

  1. What if someone on site A registers, flagged as not a spam bot, then registers on site B, C, D etc.. since D would now know it's a spam bot, would any previous sites know this?

    I'm going to say no based on the fact it only checks at the time of registration.
    I think having a call back for known spam bots would be nice.

  2. needs to also be editable through the profile page, not acp.
    not going to login everytime to change somebody's stupid spam msg.

    Code it for g_access_cp. it's not that hard really. have to send the profile id along with it

  3. never understood that.. had it installed once.
    if guests can see the topic, then they can see the topic.

    suppose you're talking about member only topics. .. or not.
    I mainly used to for replies and only members can reply.

    carry on. I might find this useful someday.

  4. http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=markasread&marktype=forum&forumid=298&returntoforumid=298

    I'm just wondering why there's so much info in the links. we already know it's a forum. It's not just that link but I've seen it in others. Can't it be simplified to something shorter?


    just wondering.
    ya, I have issues when it comes to this stuff. :P

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