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Posts posted by dvancouver

  1. I am mass producing a new bumper sticker "I'd rather be IPB chatting".

    There is something more then likely fairly simple which the collective minds at IPS will figure out and when they do I will call the printers immediately.

  2. Beta 2 did not have the [#CJOIN-0] error but Beta 3 is barking. It's a beta and I let me board know that ahead of time so I look forward to further releases. All I know is the members loved it!

  3. I think Brandon is saying by having only 16MB available it is not going to really work so well, you need to increase that at least to 128MB.

    The PHP version we're running is, as you suggest we have 16MB as memory_limit.

    Sadly, because of server hardware I think we cant make the change right now and will stick with 2.3.5 :S but we'll keep testing and wait a bit for another versions, hopefully you guys can keep optimizing it :)

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