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Posts posted by coe

  1. Currently none that I can think of but I suggest you make it a suggestion to be able to search secondary or find members via secondary groups in the Customer Feedback forum. ;)

    Didn't realize there was a specific customer feedback forum is that the same as the general feedback forum

  2. If you are a member of the primary group then it'll show you in the group. But if you're in multiple groups you won't show up in the results of the other groups..

    ex. user 1 is in group 1

    using the member list he will be shown in group 1

    user 2 is in group 1 (primary) group 2 (secondary)

    using the member list he will NOT be shown as a member of group 2.

    hope that helps to clarify.

  3. Currently:
    1. Groups can be hidden or displayed. (address your concern about being hidden)
    ACP > Management > Manage User Groups > Edit Group > Hide this group from the member list Y/N
    Y > Does not display in the members list drop down menu
    N > Displays in the members list drop down menu but is not searchable.

    2. By hiding the group using the group interface the group is not visible in the drop down menu.
    3. By making the group visible the group is available to be selected in the drop down menu in the members list. But when selected and searched no results are available.

    1. Keep the existing functionality.
    2. Add the ability to search the visible groups that the admin allows to be seen.
    3. This gives the best of both in one interface.

    1. How can we add the functionality?

  4. In IPB 2, the user management option is a little elongated.

    1. file the user
    2. assign the permissions.
    3. save user.
    4. go to the manage members option
    5. search for the user to confirm group affiliation


    1. Go to the group interface.
    2. ajax search for users.
    3. add users to the group.
    4. assign permission mask to the user.

    1. one interface to see all the individuals in a group.
    2. point click interface to see permission mask of all the users assigned to that group.
    3. Ideal for a board that has many users and very permission intensive boards.

  5. It would be very useful to have the URL to the thread in the daily digest so that users can go right to the thread itself if they want to reply to the topic. This increases workflow or the users and really helps to get more traffic to the site which no frustration in finding the thread itself.

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