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Posts posted by tenjuna

  1. EDIT: disregard, I decided to uninstall and install a fresh version.



    Just upgraded my board to 4.5x and was trying to upgrade this mod and am getting this error:

    1S111/1  Can't DROP 'g_basicpoints_redeem_enable'; check that column/key exists

    I assume something got changed when I upgraded my board from 4.2x to 4.5x, or perhaps this is due to me having made some customizations when I originally installed this years ago. Could you let me know where and what g_basicpoints_redeem_enable would be in the DB so I can fake it in there to get me through the updater?




  2. I did not see this functionality anywhere and a cursory search of the support topic did not show any info either.

    Is there any way to import from the Basic Points system (another plugin/app here on the Marketplace)? 

    I could do some SQL and move points and such over, but since I am upgrading everything all at once I would prefer something a bit more elegant (and supported).

  3. Does anyone know if there is a way to view this outside the widget? I have been trying to figure it out, but I would prefer to have this in it's own page. The widget is way too long to have on the front page.

    Something like http://www.dtrades.org/index.php?/teamspeak/

    Also, I thought this provided a way to manage the server from the site, yet I do not see where this could possibly occur.

    I must be missing something.

  4. As I am considering buying this, I have a use question that I need answered first:

    I have a site that I let languish for a few years, and have recently resurrected. After pruning the database, I still have about 8500 emails, and when I tried sending out a mass email via SparkPost, that was when I realized about half of them were no longer valid...after SparkPost terminated my account.

    So I am going to run my list of emails through a scrubber program, but what do I do with the resulting output? It looks as though you have some sort of blacklist filter, but I would like to better understand how that works. I import my scrubbed list to this filter, and it automagically will do it's thing to notify members to change their email?

    What I am trying to avoid is getting another account terminated before sending out a mass email signaling the Grand Re-opening of my site, so I would like to better understand the process on this end before dropping money on the app and scrubbing my list.




  5. When I have this mod enabled, I get this error:

    1. [[Template forums/front/forums/topicRow is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

    This is likely due to either this mod being out of date (I am running, or my custom skin is making this mod not happy.

    Any ideas? Otherwise I would appreciate a refund.




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