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Dr. Awesome

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Posts posted by Dr. Awesome

  1. As an owner of both softwares, being vBulletin as well as Invision, I'll say the following. As soon as my 60 day limit is up, I will be dumping my vB license onto someone who wants to deal with a company that goes behind customers' backs. The recent hash of activity by Internet Brands has left me with a foul taste in my mouth. Companies such as Internet Brands don't deserve my time or my money.

  2. Yes.

    Thanks love.

    This is why you should NEVER use beta software in a live environment.

    Wasn't me, it was a friend of mine. His tech admin messaged me asking if I knew what was up, I didn't. I just a really good guess. :P

    Even if you originally started out with a BETA then upgraded to an RC, I'm finding the ionCube encoded files still stating that it's expired. Should the upgraded RC's be saying this too?

    No, it shouldn't. RC isn't based on IonCube.
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