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IP.Board 3.3 Dev Update: Reputation Enhancements

IP.Board has featured a reputation system since 3.0, allowing users to give positive or negative reputation to posts, as well as content in other apps in the IPS Community Suite (blog entries, gallery images, etc.) as well as content in third party applications.
In IP.Board 3.2, we enhanced this by adding a new way of viewing the reputation system, in terms of "liking" content as opposed to giving reputation, which is a more common social feature on websites today.

In IP.Board 3.3, we're adding two features to utilise the reputation system in content discovery.

Reputation in user's profile

We've added a new tab to the profile which allows you to see both the content that the user has most recently liked, as well as content the user has made which has been most recently liked.

This of course supports both reputation modes (the "Like" system and the traditional reputation system).

The tabs at the top allow you to choose which application you want to view content from (in the screenshot only Forums and Calendar are viewable, but of course, support will be added for other apps and 3rd party developers can also add support), and also toggle whether you want to see reputation given or reputation received.

Content with the highest reputation

In addition to the profile tab, we've also created a new page (the link to which appears in the footer next to the top posters, etc.) which shows the content which has the highest rating, or has been liked the most.

Just like on the profile tab, you can toggle between which application you want to view the content for.

Both systems of course also work exactly the same with the traditional reputation system:

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