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IP.Gallery 4.2.0: Tagging, ModCP and Quick Navigation

IP.Gallery is our popular photo and movie sharing platform for IP.Board. We've been working on updates and I wanted to take you through a few of them today.

IP.Board 3.2 introduced many new core features such as tagging and a Moderators' Control Panel. These features were written to allow other applications to take advantage of them easily to unify the various apps.

We've introduced these new features into Gallery 4.2.

Tagging allows you to 'tag' an image with data. You can then search these tags to return all matches. This allows you to add secondary categorical data to your images and movies. You can allow your members to add new tags freely or limit them to presets you set up. You can override the presets on a per album basis.

You can add tags when adding or editing images.

The tags appear under the image name when viewing an image.

You can search a tag and find all matching images.

Quick Navigation
IP.Gallery now supports the quick navigation panel which is launched when you click the icon just below the search box. It contains a list of all Global albums and also a list of your own albums so you can go to an album quickly.

Moderators' Control Panel
IP.Board added a central control panel for moderators. This makes finding and approving unapproved content much easier than navigating through the forums and apps to locate them. Both comments and images are supported.

These additions tie IP.Gallery into the IP.Board framework for a cohesive integrated feel across the products.

I hope you've enjoyed this update, we've got more to follow!

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