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Moved topic redirect links
A common request from our customers over the years is the ability to have those redirect links that are added when moving a topic to automatically 'expire' and be removed. This is one of those features that was on our lists for years but never made it into the feature set due to time constraints and other factors.

Happily, we found time to implement this for IP.Board 3.1.2.

The administrator can specify a number of days before the redirect links expire in the Admin CP settings page.

The daily clean out task now checks for any deletable redirect links and removes them automatically.

Archive Personal Conversations
Another common request we've seen since we introduced the new 'personal conversation' feature was the ability to somehow archive off conversations. Now that these conversations are much like personal topics that can have many replies from many different participants the old system of simply allowing a downloadable text file isn't an option.

In 3.1.2 you'll be able to email yourself a copy of the conversation. This will be sent as a HTML file attached to the email which you can download and store on your computer.

When you're viewing a personal conversation, you'll see a new box: "Archive Conversation"

Clicking this will send the email via 'ajax' meaning the screen doesn't refresh and you don't lose your place on the page.

The email is shown with the attachment

Which is a lo-fi copy of the conversation suitable for printing

Open ID: Email no longer required
We have removed the "email" requirement for OpenID logins, which should allow for many more OpenID services to work (including Google, TypePad and Wordpress).
While this change is in effect immediately for new users, for existing users you will need to edit the login method to enact the change. In the ACP, visit System -> Log In Management. Next to OpenID click the button and choose "Configure Details". Clear "email" from the "Required args to pull", and then add it to the "Optional args to pull" (which should appear as "nickname,dob,email" once you are finished).
Save the configuration and you're all done!