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It's an unfortunate fact that something may go wrong with your hosting environment at some point. MySQL is sensitive to many things and often this results in an error being thrown. This can be confusing for you and your members and getting support for this can take time as our technicians often have to request FTP details so they can log in and check the error logs written to disk.

A lot of the time, our technicians discover that there isn't an issue with IP.Board but rather something has happened with your MySQL database or server. This can delay you getting your board back up.

With this in mind, IP.Board 3.1.2 separates out "server level" errors such as a crashed table, 'out of memory' issues and more into its own error page which is displayed.

This instantly informs you of the problem and directs you to contact your host or troubleshoot the issue further if you run a dedicated server.

In the Admin CP, we have written a log viewer which lists all the generated SQL error logs. It also keeps a record of the latest error of the day which is displayed above the list of logs.

Of course, these logs can get quite large, so when you view a log, it is "tailed" and only shows the most recent 300 lines.

We hope these features help speed up getting the correct support for when you need it most.