We released IP.Board 3.0.0 Beta 5 last week and the release has gone very well so we are preparing to enter the Release Candidate phase of development. Thanks to everyone who has downloaded the various beta releases and posted bug reports. Please continue to do so! The more we can fix before final release the better for all.
A release candidate is a version of the software between the beta phase and a final release. Once we post the first release candidate of IP.Board 3.0.0 you can safely assume that we consider the software stable enough to use on your live community. Everyone here at IPS is very excited to reach this milestone of development.
Keep in mind this will not be the final, supported version. There will probably be bugs but hopefully nothing that will cause any major issues. So, although it's not a beta anymore, still consider this information before you upgrade your live community. If you cannot stomach a few bugs or areas not working perfectly you may want to wait before upgrading. :)
The upcoming release candidate for IP.Board 3.0.0 will also be the first release that is not encoded. We hope that our community developers will jump right in and start writing hooks and alternate skins. We have quite a bit of developer documentation already written and we will get that out for everyone as soon as possible.
For the sanity of our support department, keep in mind that release candidates do not come with technical support service. Once IP.Board 3.0.0 is released as a final version then support services will be offered.
Expect the first release candidate of IP.Board 3.0.0 in the next two weeks or so. Thank you again!