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  • Tag Widgets Updating Feeds Out of Order

    I have two Tag widgets on my homepage, one called 'Shadow the Hedgehog' and another called 'Sonic X Shadow Generations'.

    1. I created a Forum topic last Friday, tagged as 'Sonic X Shadow Generations' (and 'News'), but not 'Shadow the Hedgehog'.
    2. Later, I created a Club Forum topic on Monday, tagged it as 'Shadow the Hedgehog' only.
    3. Then, I uploaded some Gallery images, all with the tag 'Sonic X Shadow Generations' only.
    4. Finally, today, I went back to the Forum topic created on Friday (in Step 1) and added the tag 'Shadow the Hedgehog' (did not edit the topic).

    With the above steps and context in mind, this is what my two Tag widgets are now displaying as a result of Step 4:

    Could contain: Person, Book, Comics, Publication, Face, Head

    The topic that was newly-tagged has been positioned at the very front of the 'Shadow the Hedgehog' widget (ahead of the other entry that was created more recently - check the dates of creation in the red circles), and has been re-positioned in the 'Sonic X Shadow Generations' widget to again sit at the top of the feed.

    I thought the default sort order for Tag widgets was 'creation date', but it seems that instead it is simply the date a tag was added to a piece of content... if that is working as intended then I can live with it for the first widget (I did add the 'Shadow the Hedgehog' tag to the older topic AFTER I added it to the second entry), but it should not be happening for the second widget ('Sonic X Shadow Generations') because the topic already had that particular tag assigned to it upon creation and has no reason to sit at the front of the feed ahead of more recent content.

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    Esther E.


    Yes, it's the date the tag was added. This has to do with the way we store the data. I'll look into the second issue.

    Esther E.


    I'm going to mark this as "not a bug". All the tag dates are reset whenever the tags are updated. So if you update one tag on an item, all the tags on that item will be  updated.



    I waited a bit before coming to put my two cents in. But I think there is something that is not working properly. From what I understand it is intentional.
    However, the user experience is very affected. Indeed, the Tags pages offer recent but ultimately old content because of this tag system that updates itself and therefore offers sometimes very old content first.



    In the case of an old site, with content that has never been tagged and which deserves to be, the old content will necessarily be tagged after the recent content. Since the tags were recently added to the suite, recent content has benefited. But what about years gone by? Nothing due to lack of time and strategy. 
    If we tag content from previous years today, it is found first in recent content even though it is no longer "recent" or current at all.

    An option allowing you to choose between a classic sort (yours) and a sort by "Publication date" and/or "Last comment" would be welcome.

    Could contain: Adult, Male, Man, Person, Face, Computer Hardware, Monitor, Screen, People, Collage

    5 a =5 years

    5 nov . = 5th november

    Esther E.


    I can log it for discussion, but as it would require some refactoring, I'm not sure this change would make it into 5.0. At this stage of the game we're trying to avoid larger code changes.



    It would be great if you could discuss it. From our side we have the impression that it is a simple variation of an SQL query and that proposing another sorting is not that disturbing, but we all know that we are completely wrong. So if you could actually discuss it already, that would be a first step. THANKS

    Esther E.


    Unfortunately it's not just a query variation. We're querying the tags table, which doesn't contain Metadata for the item itself. And since a tag could be assigned to almost any content type, a join would be a mess.

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