This bug was mentioned in https://invisioncommunity.com/ic5bugs/bugs/beta4-badmethodcallexception-no_template_file-wrong-case-for-template-file-name-r290/
but is a separate bug in its own right so it is being logged separately here...
There are scenarios where editing a template (in the ACP) can lose template_original_group from the record in cms_templates. When this happens the option to 'compare with default' no longer works. I have done three tests and only one of these failed:
OK: Edit a single line in 'reviews' and save -> compare with default works OK
OK: Delete all content from 'comment' and save -> compare with default works OK
Fail: Copy all content from 'reviews' and paste into 'recordEditLine' and save -> compare with default shows the default as empty (i.e. not the original).
There is also another symptom that is almost certainly related...
Under Beta4 when the above occurred the template would show up as 'Custom' (letter 'C' on yellow disc) instead of 'Modified' (letter 'M' on red disc). I think that one of the developers must have tweaked cms between Beta4 and Beta5 but in my opinion they got it wrong. They 'concealed' the loss of 'template_original_group' by always display the 'M' on red disc - what they should have done is fix the bug that loses 'template_original_group'. So now when you fix the bug that loses 'template_oroginal_group' you will also need to reverse the change that was done between Beta4 and Beta5 so that genuinely custom templates show up as 'C' on yellow disc.
Thanks very much.
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