This bug was mentioned in https://invisioncommunity.com/ic5bugs/bugs/beta4-badmethodcallexception-no_template_file-wrong-case-for-template-file-name-r290/ but is a separate bug in its own right so it is being logged separately here...
What I have done to reproduce this problem:
Copied the files/folders under applications/cms/dev/html/database/display to display_test_weir
In the ACP clicked 'Import Developer Templates' - this imported the template but as Esther has said it does not offer it when you attempt to select a template under the ACP edit database.
The issue is that importing the templates as above does not set the 'template_original_group' to one of the allowed values (category_index, listing, display, form) so when you edit a database the ACP does not know where to offer the new template group.
The workaround is to use SQL to: update `cms_templates` set template_original_group = 'display' where template_original_group = 'display_test_weir'; to work around the above bug and make the template group visible in the ACP.
At that point I was able to set the template
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