We have quite a lot of pages so I have not tested this exhaustively - i.e. not against EVERY page, but... From the large number of pages that I have checked:
- It appears that the Loader (extension) method onFinish() is called for non-database pages -- OK !!
- It appears that the Loader (extension) method onFinish() is NOT called for database pages -- BUG !!
When I say "database pages" I mean go to the ACP and list all pages. Those pages that have the text "Contains database <db name>" I refer to as "database pages".
My onFinish() method starts like this:
public function onFinish() : void
// nothing to do if location != 'front'
if (!\IPS\Dispatcher::i()->checkLocation('front')) {
$member = \IPS\Member::loggedIn();
\IPS\Log::log("Member: {$member->name}, {$member->login}, " . var_export($member->groups, true) . ", {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}");
non-database pages give me output in the system log, database pages don't.
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