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Increasing number of users unable to log in

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Hello, I am not sure exactly when the issue started, but we are seeing an increasing number of users unable to login. This happens after a purhcase is made, at which point 2fa is required by the user. Upon trying to login, the user gets kicked backed to https://<domain>/?_mfaLogin=1 but no 2fa popup appears and the user cannot log in. I know this is definitely a problem with users on Chrome, unsure about other browsers. The issue has steadily been increasing for the last few months now and is causing a serious problem.

Any help appreciated, thanks.

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Are you on the latest release with all patches applied? Have you disabled all third party applications/plugins and themes then had the user try again?

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Hello, yes I updated to 4.7.16 and cleared all caches, the problem persisted. I can't very easily disable all applications as that will cause service disruption. But if it was a plugin/application surely it would affect all users, not just _some_ ?

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7 minutes ago, Callum MacGregor said:

yes I updated to 4.7.16

4.7.17 is the latest so you're missing bug fixes there.

7 minutes ago, Callum MacGregor said:

I can't very easily disable all applications as that will cause service disruption. But if it was a plugin/application surely it would affect all users, not just _some_ ?

I can't really answer that because I don't know what exactly is installed/how it's used/etc... It could be simply the user in question has something different than the others. The easiest way to test would be to temporarily disable all of them.

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To be clear, it is not just one user. It is a large and increasing number of users. With one user I checked their browser plugins and they didn't have anything that should affect it. Also, this same user fixed it by using a Edge rather than Chrome. This leads me to believe its a HTML/Javascript/browser compatability issue, but I am of course speculating.

I can try and find a user willing to help test and see what happens after disabling plugins/apps.

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We had a massive problem like this for months too. Started in Q1.  No reason why. 

What I noticed was that our firewall was flagging Google signing and logging folks out by blocking some items.  

Do you use Cpanel & CSF?

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