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Never Had This Problem until now - task cronjob hanging my server not sure why

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Last 2 years have not changed anything on my server (including the cronjob, the code other than upgrading my board to the latest version)

Server running on PHP 8.1 MySQL 8.0.37

/opt/cpanel/ea-php81/root/usr/bin/php -d memory_limit-1 -d max_execution_time0 /home/media/public_html/board/applications/core/interface/task/task.php 6850e8f32b151d08b448d3ce3e09b630

CPU usage


Board version: Invision Community v4.7.17

FYI not all the time not sure but it is hanging there randomly

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Keep in mind that some background tasks are resource intensive and why they run in the background. On a correctly configured server, it shouldn't be bringing your community to a halt as it will respect values in the configuration and available to it.

You will want to check what tasks are running at the time you see this. Are they third-party or core? Are they having issues? Are you doing something really resource intensive like resizing images or moving them?

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Server is a powerful server never happen before till now, after current upgrade.... those tasks are hanging my server badly i am putting a screen shot here from WHM.... CPU usages are extremely high the other processes not even close to crontab tasks processes .... 

Could contain: Page, Text, File

I will take a look at the tasks that hanging the server; thank you for the tip


Where can i figure out which task is hanging or causing this problem

if you give me some hints would be great....


13 hours ago, teraßyte said:

You'll need to find out which task exactly is causing the issue. Is there any locked task in ACP?

Where do you see that exactly in ACP?

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34 minutes ago, media said:

Server is a powerful server never happen before till now, after current upgrade

Keep in mind that a server can be powerful but misconfigured and thus, run into performance/resource issues.


35 minutes ago, media said:

Where can i figure out which task is hanging or causing this problem

Check if you have any items in the queue next time this happens. This will tell you if a spun up task is creating problems.

Alternatively, you can check ACP -> search for "Tasks" to look at a table of tasks to see what outside the queue ran at the time this was encountered.

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2 hours ago, Jim M said:

Keep in mind that a server can be powerful but misconfigured and thus, run into performance/resource issues.

That would be true if i had this problem before this upgrade

2 years this server is running with same configuration on this site no changes; no changes on hardware no changes on software it is lighting fast but suddenly after this upgrade (IPB latest) this problem is on the list and my host getting irritated by me (I sent them exactly what you said here to them. They think we are not looking at the problem; rather blaming something else) 

Anyway, I will do what you suggested and keep you updated with new result...

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6 minutes ago, media said:

That would be true if i had this problem before this upgrade

Well, not true, it could still have been a problem, just to a lesser extent. If we received complaints from multiple clients about this than I would probably rule out hosting 🙂 but seeing as it has only been reported by yourself, we cannot do that alone without an investigation.

6 minutes ago, media said:

They think we are not looking at the problem; rather blaming something else

Our goal is not to blame someone else but also not rule them out without investigation. We are providing other means of items to investigate while we are waiting on what we need back from you.

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