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Our Picks Not Working

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As I continue to use the development site to test 4.7 features, I started to learn about Our Picks.  Yes, I know, I am so late to the party, everyone has left but ... if anyone can enlighten me on how to make the content appear.

Steps so far:

1. In the ACP, went to System -> Site Promotion -> Social Media Promotion -> Our Picks tab: confirm switch is showing green/enable and saved.

2. In the same promotion section, clicked on Auto Schedule. Added to auto schedule times and selected Los Angeles as the scheduled timezone and saved.

3. In the gallery, clicked on an image, and clicked on an album and clicked re-promote (after the original promotion did nothing and I deleted it in the moderated Managed Promoted Items section).  

4. After clicking on re-promote, I used the drop down of schedule next batch to ensure it says schedule now, and then clicked Promote.

5. Waiting ... nothing, nothing, nothing.  How long do I have to wait?

6. Clearly I am very confused.

7. Checked Menu Manager to ensure Our Picks is added. It is.  It shows in the second row navigation for Home. Click on it. Nothing Nothing Nothing.

8. I am even more confused. 

Edited by TracyIsland
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