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IP.Board 3.1.0 Development News


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Laurel resting isn't an activity we do at IPS and we're all very hard at work on IP.Board 3.1.0 now that we've finished primary development on our suite of applications. We've got lots of exciting things planned and progress has already been made on a few key features.

As an early Christmas present to our community and to continue our honest and open development, I wanted to show you one of our already completed 3.1.0 features:

Enhanced Status Updates
During the latter stages of IP.Board 3.0.0's development, we added in very basic status updates in users profiles that was further enhanced by the index page sidebar hook. We've seen this feature get a lot of use on our own community and we wanted to take it to the next logical step and allow archived statuses and status replies.

There is a new tab in a member's profile for recent status updates and recent status actions.

As one would expect, this is all handled via Ajax with normal post operations for those who do not have javascript enabled. Replies appear instantly, comments are deleted instantly and even status updates are removed instantly. See it in action below:

There is also a new page for all status updates:

You can even receive email notification on any replies to your statuses or any replies to statuses you've replied to:

This takes a minor feature and gives it a little more focus and should help increase traffic between user profiles and give more of a social feel to your bulletin board.

Your status can also be updated automatically from Facebook if you are using Facebook connect.

As always, please keep in mind these are early preview screenshots and may change between now and the first public release of IP.Board 3.1.0. As always, we'd love to know what you think.

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