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[[Template core/front/profile/profile is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the s

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Hi team,
We've recently updated to 4.7.6 and after the update we get this error when trying to enter user profiles.

Checking the default theme php referring to that part and reverting it to default as in the attached screensho:
Could contain: Page, Text, File


gives the following error:

Could contain: Text


We can only save it if it's empty, but then obviously the profile pages don't work.

We need this fixed ASAP...

Thanks in advance.

Please ensure that you do not have mod_security or other security modules enabled on your server which is preventing saving here.

Please also ensure that there are no errors in your customization here. 

  • Author

Hi Jim, Thanks for answering!
This is the default php, there are no customizations at all...

I'll check about the security modules and update.

mod_security and security modules in question would be on the server, rather than PHP directly.

  • Author

Yeah, I understood 🙂 I was referring to this:


Please also ensure that there are no errors in your customization here. 


Customisations on the community my colleague was referring to

  • Author

Hi marc, how are you?

I've of course tried disabling all customizations prior to opening the thread. It didn't help unfortunately.

It is more likely to be mod_security. Unless of course you have made edits to the template incorrectly, and the message itself is showing correctly

  • Author

The issue turned out to be a defective nexus/data/theme.xml

You can see it within the first screenshot I included - an if statement without an endif.

Here is the relevant portion of nexus/data/theme.xml:

<template template_group="subscription" template_name="profileSubscription" template_data="$member" template_location="front" template_app="nexus"><![CDATA[{{if $subscription = \IPS\nexus\Subscription::loadActiveByMember( $member )}}
        <div class='cProfileSidebarBlock ipsSpacer_bottom'>
                <a href='{url="app=nexus&module=subscriptions&controller=subscriptions" seoTemplate="nexus_subscriptions"}'>
                        <div class='cProfileSubscription {{if $subscription->package->_image}}cProfileSubscription--with-image{{else}}cProfileSubscription--no-image{{endif}}'>
                                {{if $subscription->package->_image}}
                                        <div class="cProfileSubscription_bg" style='background-image: url( "{expression="str_replace( array( '(', ')' ), array( '\(', '\)' ), $subscriptionbscription_text'><i class="fa fa-certificate"></i> &nbsp;{lang="nexus_subs_subscriber" sprintf="$subscription->package->_title"}</span>


We have not manually edited this file.

@Marc Stridgen, is there a way of verifying the checksum of all Invision Community system files, to spot other such defective files?


As XML gets imported to the database during install/upgrade, these are not included in the reviewed files in ACP -> Support. 

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