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Images in forum topic randomly thumbnailed?


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Not sure where there is a setting that drives this, as I thought the post settings state a maximum image dimension and anything larger gets resized to it.  Somehow it seems some are being resized in a topic while others aren't (same topic post, same poster).  The only place I see thumbnails mentioned is in Gallery settings and these aren't in or from Gallery but rather direct uploads to the forum topic.

Example de-ided with xxxxxxxxx

<img class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="157996" data-ratio="66.67" style="width:216px;height:auto;" width="1000" alt="xxxxxxxxx" data-src="xxxxxxxxx" src="xxxxxxxxx" data-loaded="true">


Edited by Clover13
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4 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Was that image uploaded before or after a change there?

Nothing changed in settings.

Been running the latest version of InvisionCommunity 4.7.4 for awhile now.

The one change today was moving servers by my host, but I wouldn't think that would influence it as it was a full backup and restore on the new server.

Also quite a few pictures were posted in the same topic post (by OP) and some thumbnailed while others didn't.

Here's an example of one that thumbnailed but didn't have that 216px width set

<img class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="157995" data-ratio="66.70" width="1000" alt="xxxxxxxxx" data-src="xxxxxxxxx" src="xxxxxxxxx" style="height: auto;" data-loaded="true">


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